Jeep: Call of Duty Black Ops

Behind the scenes/making of Activision’s ‘Call of Duty’ video game prominently featuring the Jeep Wrangler. This was part of a larger coop venture promoting the new special edition Black Ops model Jeep Wrangler for 2011 featured on the product website at “BLACK OPS.”
Jun 29, 2011 | Categories: Content | Tags: 2011, Activision, advertising, b-roll, banners, behind the scenes, Black Ops, branded content, Call of Duty, Chrysler, Chrysler Jeep, content, coop, coop venture, design team, digital applications, gaming, interviews, Jeep, Jeep Wrangler,, Online, online advertising, rich media banners, Sapient, SapientNitro, the making of, ugc, user-generated content, video, video game, Wrangler | Comments Off on Jeep: Call of Duty Black Ops