Just gotta love this thinking and creative execution for Giant Bicycles from Down Under. Really smart to make your brand and it’s product portfolio both relatable and relevant to the target audience-‘real riders’-in a very humanistic way while giving them an extra dose of “feel good” therapy in the process as a “priceless” takeaway. I am not even a Giant fan and I am ready to roll out.
Jul 25, 2011 | Categories: Thoughts | Tags: Australian Cycling brand, bicycle equipment, bicycles, customer profiles, cycling gear, Down Under, Final Sound Melbourne, Giant, Giant Bicycles, Jason Williams ECD, Leo Burnett Melbourne, Liquid Creations, Marcus Flack Director, Marcus Flack Editor, Melbourne, microsite, online advertising, online marketing, Real Riders, sponsorship packages, Starcom Media, Tour de France, TV spots | Leave A Comment »

Friendly’s Ice Cream Company wanted to launch a dynamic website with interactive games and activities targeting children ages 6-12. The goal was to introduce this specific audience to the Friendly’s brand by immersing them into a “Friendly” virtual environment, engaging them with the complete Friendly’s product matrix interactively and then converting them into brand ambassadors.
Jun 03, 2011 | Categories: Content, Portfolio | Tags: avavtar, branded content, Brett Malden, Brett Malden ECD, Brett Malden EP, Brett Malden Global Lead of Integrated Production, custom avatar, dynamic content, fan loyalty, Friendly Ice Cream Corporation, Friendly's, Friendly's family restaurants, friendly's ice cream, Friendly's Ice Cream Factory, friendlys.com, Interactive, interactive gaming, interactive kids games, iwannagotofriendlys.com, lets all go to friendly's, microsite, Online, online community, post scores, ugc, virtual environments, webiste | Comments Off on Friendly’s: IwannaGoToFriendlys.com Microsite